Friday, June 4, 2010

Due on Thurs

2 photos- open ended- your choice.

And that's all folks. . .

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Weekend Assignment


Self-portraits are part of the communication process that we call photography. Photography is not just about clicking the shutter button, it is a way of being in the world; it is a form of viewing the world, exploring the world, and interacting with the world that reveals, in the process, how the photographer sees that world. Their images, therefore, reveal much about self...their likes, their dislikes, their fears, their politics, their philosophical underpinnings, etc.

So, in essence, every image made by a photographer is a kind of self-portrait; the more formalized self-portraits merely extend that line of thinking further. In this case, it is an obvious act of self-revelation whereas many photographers fail to see how much self-revelation goes on in all of their photographs.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

3 photo critiques

Due on Thurs: 3 photo crits.
Hand in (with the rest from the term).

Friday, May 21, 2010

Weekend Assignment

Take 2 photographs to illustrate 2 song lyrics (or the "feel" of a song) of your choice.
The photographs are due on Thursday May 27th.


Vote for the next Google Ad!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

You're so pretty!

Tips for making the finished face look hotsie totsie...

or perhaps you just want to make eyes pop...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Portrait Photography (8 tips)

8 Lessons learned.... read up!

Post processing

This is an interesting site on different options available through a professional photographer.

Hold your mouse down to see the different effects. Then click on the retouching photo tab and see what happens.

You should be capable of making your photos be fine tuned enough for these things to "happen".

OHS Alum

Check out this site by one of our very own!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

You rebel, you...

Now that we've learned about composition...sometimes its fun to "break the rules"...
check it out:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cell phone picture submission

Be sure to make it out to this one of a kind exhibit, featuring the works of the anonymous, every day Milwaukeean!
Shouldn't an occasional exhibit take place that truley questions the value and/or meaning of art, as well as the role of the gallery/curator?
I will be showcasing hundreds of cell phone photographs that are being
sent to me from all corners of Milwaukee, by anonymous art, and non-art contributors alike. I will be hosting this unique show in the beautiful Pritzlaff building, within a layout that has been envisioned specifically for this concept.
It is sure to spark some healthy conversation, bring in a diverse crowd, and be a lot of fun.

CONTRIBUTE to this diverse portrait of our culture, by sending your best/worst/favorite cell phone pics to JOSEPHREEVESART@YAHOO.COM, or by simply FWD them to 414 520 0699. All work remains anonymous, and I will have the right to use/arrange the entries however I wish, provided that I do not alter the artists work in ANY way. All content is acceptable.

WHAT: "The Cell Phone Photo Gallery," Curated by Joseph R. Reeves

WHEN: FRIDAY, MAY 28th (opening reception), 6:00 p.m.- 12... SAT/SUN: 12-12

WHERE: The "Pritzlaff" Building, 333 Plankington

By SUBMITING your favorite "Cell Phone Picture" to:, or 414.520.0699

Thursday, May 13, 2010

lighting article- a "must read"!

Please read this article before you take photos this weekend.

2 Portraits!!!

Make 2 portraits to critique in class on Friday.
Choose two of the following inspirational portraits to choose (ie "texture" and "posing")
Have fun!
- check out this site for inspiration.

Monday, May 10, 2010


On Tuesday, please put your images on the flash drive (for the in-progress crit, boc on Wed).

At the boc on Tues, I would like you to please project the composition link. Read over the
Rule of 1/3s, working the lines, finding fresh angles, fill your frame, and the importance of focal points.

After you have discussed that as a class, please go to the OHS Photoblog and leave a comment (put it on your Word document that you started at the beginning of the term).

The remainder of the time is yours. If you haven't started a photobanner, start it now.


Rule of thirds, leading lines, framing your subject.
Please review some composition tips here.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

In-Class next week

Next week, in class, please create a photobanner for your blog.

Color on the Couch Links

Color on the Couch

Digital Photography Color plays a vital role in the world in which we live. Color can sway your thinking, change actions and cause reactions. As a powerful form of communication, color is meaningful and irreplaceable.

For this assignment you will be challenged to use color to evoke a particular mood and/or a psychological effect.

Here are a few things to keep in mind: how colors relate to other colors, how contrast and saturation can affect mood, how other artists have done this, how you respond to color, and also, how color is and has been utilized in our (or in any) society (i.e. media, military/authority, baby nurseries, bus stations, etc.). Consider lighting, composition, subject matter and Photoshop’s color tweaking potential.This assignment will help you to pay careful attention to the construction of your images, to the importance of the communicative role of art, to the diverse ways in which viewers interpret and relate to photographs and the degree to which color can be used to translate meaning.

You will need 3 photographs on your blog that represent color.You will need another photograph illustrating The Yellow Wallpaper.

So that makes a grand total of FOUR photographs due next week Friday.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Inspiration Response

Here is the work of a student (Kathryn) who was emulating Rosie last year . . .


Rosie Hardy is 19-years-old.
She's talented.
She's original.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Try Lomo Photography!

Here's a link with a step-by-step guide to turn your photo into a lomo photo!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Attractive/Repulsive Examples

Attractive/Repulsive...what NOT to do

Make sure that you always have a focal point (unlike this). Well, there is just so many things wrong with this photo- Can you figure out what is "bad" about this picture?

Assignment 2

In this assignment, you are to approach color photographic imagery by taking and or creating images that affect you in contrasting ways: attraction, repulsion.
1. You are to use images that follow this line of inquiry: attraction/repulsion
2. From the images that you make, choose two that are most attractive to you and the two that are the most repulsive to you.
3. Especially concentrate on the color aspects of these sensations. Use color to convey attraction and repulsion (not just a photograph of an attractive person, flower, car, etc....)
The paradox is that the more repulsive an image gets, the more it tends to start looking more, well, attractive....
Artists to look at : Gregory Crewdson, Cindy Sherman, Richard Misrach, and Jan Saudek.
Play with your ability to manipulate and control color. Ultimately, you will use color to dictate what it is your image is about. You must make use of adjustment layers in your 4 images. The images that do not utilize a colorcast must be color balanced. During the critique you should be able to explain why you have chosen to make these images and what reaction/reading you are looking for from viewers.
You will turn in four images.

Monday, April 26, 2010

4 Easy Ways to make your Photos Pop

By the end of the week (Fri 4/30 EOC), you should have 8 Photos that you have applied these 4 filters to. If you do the math, then that means that you should have 2 photos PER filter (that are photographs that you have taken, at some point in time).
They should be on your blog, on their own. Please explain why you chose the photos that you did (for the effects). Don't forget to spell check.
When you save them on the class flash drive, please save them with your name, with the original (4 on one document). 
Make sure that you understand how to use these images, as they will show up again on a later assessments.

Friday, April 23, 2010

4/23/10 : Weekend Assignment (formative)

Color Exercises
The purpose of this assignment will be for you to gain an understanding of how color is affected by differences in light temperature. We will use projection for this exercise to avoid the amount of color variations introduced during digital color printing.

1. Make one exposure under fluorescent lighting. What are you going to set your camera at? (Fluorescent, Incandescent, etc.? Its up to you, but be able to tell the class)
2. Make one exposure indoors under incandescent lighting (ordinary household bulbs)
3. Make one exposure with at least two different light sources (i.e. daylight an tungsten, daylight and fluorescent)—may have to set up…lamp to window, lamp to grocery store
4. Make a long exposure of over one second (if your camera allows for it).
5. Take 2 “outside” photographs. Watch the weather this weekend (don't just save it for Sunday night or you may be in trouble).

You will have SIX photographs that are taken over the weekend.

Next week we will go over camera settings, white balance, etc.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Extra tutorial.....

This is optional: Use your photos to create an iPod ad ,

as well as turning day into night with a photograph that you take (or it can be a photograph from the internet).

Contact Sheet

Your contact sheet needs to be 8x11 inches @ 300 dpi.
There are 4 colums and 7 rows, with your name on it and the box unchecked [to include titles].

You should save the contact sheet as a flattened jpeg in the alphabet file for your class [with your name as the title].

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Great Blog

Add this to your google reader 
and Artists' Eyes  (we will reference them when we start portraiture).

Due Dates

Your space montage should be completed by the end of class on Wed.

Friday, your alphabet is due.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Alphabet Assignment

As a way to get you familiar with your camera, and the use of Photoshop, you will be asked to photograph the alphabet.
Your challenge: Can you do it with NATURE as well as man-made letters? Try to get at least 2/3 of the images as forms. When was the last time you saw an "O" spot on your dog, a "Y" in the veins of a leaf, an "X" in a fallen tree? We need creativity, people!!!

Here is a site that may be fun for you to play with (regarding the alphabet):
Here is a site that uses butterflies : and the children's book Alphabet Through Nature by Lynne Smith Diebel and Jann Faust Kalscheur is a great reference as well.

WORD TO THE WISE: Because you are not needing to use these photos in a large format, click your camera setting down a notch. It will give you more room on your computer and your camera (and less time waiting in class!)
Think about a common thread (for visual unity), colors or items. How interesting!

Space examples

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Learn about the element of art called Space and the techniques artists use to achieve the illusion of three dimensional space.

Use these links 1 & 2 to find the answers to these questions. Type up your answers and save the text file to the server.

1. Atmospheric Perspective deals with what two art elements.
2. What are three types of perspective used to create the illusion of three dimensional depth on a two dimensional surface?
3. Change in scale, overlapping and position on the picture plane are all types of what?
4. What method is usually used when drawing natural shapes rather then the rectilinear forms of perspective drawing?
5. Go to Google or Stockexchange and look for a photographic examples (one each) for :

Overlapping, atmospheric perspective, linear perspective, scale and position. Copy and paste the images into your text document and label them (and why you chose them).

Monday, April 12, 2010

Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day, lets try to create a tiny planet of your very own (by Friday..if possible!)
300 dpi and at least 6 " wide

Due Dates Coming up

Wed 4/14: Your photography inventory is due
By Wed, you should have your blog created. Make sure that you are following the class blog, as well as the ohs blog